Sisters, Oregon

Find us online or visit our gallery in Sisters, Oregon.

We have a wide selection of quality handmade pottery. Visit our website to see more pottery.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Two large hand thrown pottery vases. Each one was made with 20 lbs of clay. Thrown in two pieces and put together at the leather hard stage.
They will be glazed and fired in a reduction kiln to 2400 degrees. They will be displayed in the gallery at 
Altered Canister Set with Shino/Ash glaze. This on will be going to S. Carolina. You can contact or see more work at
The inside has a satin white glaze and the outside is dipped in Sheno glaze then sprayed with an Iron Black glaze then lightly sprinkled with barbecue ash. Then it was fired in a reduction atmosphere to 2400 degrees. The clay body is a light buff stoneware. One of my favorite glazes!
Come by and check out our gallery the next time you are in Sisters, Oregon.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Fun new teapots at Canyon Creek Pottery. These teapots are leather hard and drying to be fired in the bisc kiln in about a week. Then they will be glazed with a Sheno glaze and accented with some Temoku glaze and ash. They will then be loaded in the glaze kiln and fired to 2360 degrees in a reduction atmosphere. They will be for sale in the gallery a 310 N. cedar st in Sisters, Oregon in 2 to 3 weeks.

Copper red pottery

Copper red pottery
New copper red glaze